
Key Financial Information

Particulars 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Revenue from operations (Rs Crore) 28,932 34,098 29,440 22,629 18,561 21,118 22,082 17,273 14,181
PBDIT (Rs Crore) 14,730 18,885 17,441 13,491 10,781 12,452 14,226 12,213 9,385
Earnings Per Share (Rs) 18.36 24.88 22.79 18.89 16.11 18.83 21.95 19.68 19.35
Particulars 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16
Mined Zinc (tonnes) 8,55,001 8,39,051 8,01,035 7,55,849 7,20,060 7,28,498 7,73,015 7,55,964 7,44,271
Mined Lead (tonnes) 2,24,052 2,23,038 2,16,023 2,16,127 1,97,041 2,07,190 1,74,368 1,51,020 1,44,653
Refined Zinc (tonnes) 8,17,059 8,20,898 7,75,808 7,15,445 6,88,286 6,96,283 7,91,461 6,71,988 7,58,938
Refined Lead (tonnes) 2,15,984 2,10,690 1,91,185 2,14,399 1,81,370 1,97,838 1,68,247 1,39,009 1,44,919
Refined Silver (tonnes) 746 714 647 706 610 679 558 453 422


Note : Refined production data includes captive consumption .

Definitions of Key Financial Terms


Revenue Revenue on sale of products (net of volume rebates) is recognized on delivery of product and/or on passage of title to the buyer. Sales include export benefits. Export benefits are recognized on recognition of export sales.

PBDIT (Profit Before Depreciation Interest and Taxes)

PBDIT is a factor of volumes, prices and costs of production. This is calculated by adjusting operating profits, depreciation interest and amortisation. Our objective is to take advantage of our low cost base to achieve the best possible margins across the Businesses.

EPS (Earnings Per Share)

EPS is the net profit attributable to equity shareholders. By producing a stream of profits and EPS we will be able to pay a progressive dividend to our shareholders. EPS growth also demonstrates that our capital structure is being managed efficiently.